Town, State: Brno, Czech Republic
School name: Elementary and secondary school, and kindergarten ZŠ a MŠ Těšany, Brno-venkov region.
Headmistress: Mgr. Lada Hrabcová
Phone No.: +420 732 571 396
Information about the school:
Children love going to school in Těšany. We participate on various projects, we like to compete and most of all we organize project days, when we link all the subjects with one topic. During these days we discuss our health, ecosystem of our planet Earth, history of our nation, and Czech habits and traditions. What we are looking forward the most at the moment is our trip to Praque, which is a long way from our town.
Lecturers: Mgr. Radka Tumová
The topic of the lecture: Baroque through children’s eyes
The participating children (class 4. B):
Vojtěch Čermák, Sára, Doležalová, Nela Hochmanová, Lukáš Hrouzek, Anna Jochmanová, Filip Kaman, Pavlína Králová, Erika Křížová, Monika Křížová, Josef Sadloň, Veronika Svobodová, Vít Šnajdr, Erik Zouhar
Photo description:
- The Smithy in Těšany, Erik Zouhar, 11 years old.
- The Smithy in Těšany, Monika Křižíkova, 11 years old.
- The Smithy in Těšany, Nela Hochmanová, 10 years old.
- The Těšany Chateau, Pavlína Králová, 10 years old.
- The Těšany Chateau, Veronika Svobodová, 10 years old.
- The Těšany Chateau, Sára Doleželová, 10 years old.
Children’s photos:
School photos: