Town, State: Carlepont, France
Name of the school: Groupe scolaire Carlepont
Principal: Jean-Marie Lelong
Web: http://www.
About school:
Carlepont school complex is located in Picardy, in a rural town of Carlepont, between Compiegne and Noyon (Oise). The school is a centre of community life and it cooperates with a number of cultural, sporting, charitable organisations. We have about 150 pupils aged 3 to 12 years. The socio-cultural environment is not exceptional at all (few parents speak some foreign language and only a few children have travelled outside of France), so we have decided to introduce an action plan based on digital learning, to open our school to the world and to increase its international dimension.
Education: Jean-Marie Lelong
Theme of the lecture: Carlepont Castle
Children involved in the project (5th class):
Emma Dauchez, Lucas De Cock, Cléa De Refournier, Grégoire Deforceville, Mathilde Delacourt, Lana Delval, Carla Dewilde, Adam Docoche, Laëtitia Dormegue, Matthias Foulon, Chloé Gabrysiak, Walid Lemaitre, Eden Menard, David Nogueira, Lucie Pairiad, Théo Provost-Decorbie, Pauline Rigal, Emma Seara, Romane Sempels, Arthur Vandoorn
Labels of children works:
- The surroundings of the castle, Laëtitia Domeque, 10 yrs.
- The gate in Carlepont, Carla Dewilde, 10 yrs.
- A large fruit cup, Emma Dautchez, 11 yrs.
- The gate and the golden wall, Adam Docoche, 10 yrs.
- Grid Castle, Lana Delval, 11 yrs.
- A magic lantern, Mathilde Delacourt, 10 yrs.
Childrens pictures:
Photos from the school: